I nearly gave up in the first 10 minutes, they are so badly shot and cut.
"Oh god, is this going to be an IFC Midnight effort?" did I say.
But we held on. And suddenly. Without warning. We were watching this most *brilliant* film!!
It snuck up on us.
It's like the opening was done by somebody else in post, without any connection to rest of the project.
This really is a good film, it's an excellent film, it's possibly even a masterpiece. I don't know, I'll have to watch it again some day after the reality distortion has warn off.
It's trippy-as, and in that it reminds me of Dead Man by Jim Jarmusch. Another, excellent, 'Art Western'.
The Thicket seeeeeethes. It's a slow, increasingly nervous build to what you know is going to be one hell of a confrontation.
But it doesn't bore you, or even trust you! It gives you some stuff to entertain you with your popcorn along the way. It is full of awesome scenes!
Lewis deserves every kind of award for Cutthroat Bill.
Dinklage deserves the highest praise in the land for making the project happen.
All of the cast turned in superb performances.
The cinematography who cares (it doesn't even rate a mention these day - yes it's great in this film but it's good in complete piles of sludge too, often it's the only good thing about them).
The music is wonderful - it's like Brian/Roger Eno, or occasionally Boards of Canda. Electronic but not Ironic, it's subtle as hell, used sparingly and suits the mood.
From the absurd 5.something score on here I am guessing that nobody has seen The Thicket.
We need to get the word out and fix that!