"The Adventures of Paula Peril" introduces a two-fisted girl reporter who tangles with mobsters and a murderous religious cult. She's kind of like a combo of Lois Lane and Lara Croft, in a movie whose budget appears to have been about twenty bucks.
I was unfamiliar with the Peril character before watching this indie B Movie, which was apparently cobbled together from three short films based on an obscure comic book series.
I will admit that it's fun to watch Valerie Perez as "Paula" kicking bad-guy butt while wearing tight sweaters and high-heel boots, but the flick suffers from cardboard sets, silly dialogue and community-theater level acting. A quick glance at IMDb reveals that there are further "Paula" film shorts in the works. The character definitely has potential to become a cult item, but this first "Adventure" shows that she's not quite ready for prime time yet.