We open with footage from last week of Earthquake challenging Yokozuna. Your announce team is Vince McMahon and Randy Savage. It seems that Savage is now the permanent color commentator, which is odd, because he's not good at it. The first match is Razor Ramon versus Kwang in a King of the Ring qualifying match. Todd Pettengill gives the King of the Ring Report, including Roddy Piper cutting a promo on Jerry Lawler from the set of his movie Tough and Deadly. Crush crushes Raymond Roy. We see a Duke "The Dumpster" Droese vignette. We see a clip from WWF Superstars of Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett humiliating Dink. Doink the Clown makes short work of Mike Terrace. Earthquake cuts a promo where he talks about his experience as a sumo wrestler (which he legitimately was). Jerry Lawler's guest on the King's Court is Yokozuna. We see an "Undertaker sighting" by a landscaper (seriously). Mabel literally squashes Mike Bell. The show ends with Jerry Lawler interviewing Earthquake about his upcoming sumo match with Yokozuna. Not a very good episode.