HTF is one of the best Flash-animated series on YouTube, The creator of the show, MondoMedia (formerly Mondo Mini Shows) worked real hard on this, and it even got a TV series that aired on G4, and MTV! The TV series is great, in my opinion. At first, I like how it looks like a Saturday Morning cartoon, and then, it turns gory. You can disagree with me, but I still think this show is good. I couldn't believe how much this would take to animate. How did they make an animation so smooth?? I'm placing this in 2nd place, with Homestar Runner being the best series. It's very high-on-budget, I believe! Here's a list of a parental guide of mine.
Violence = 10/10 - This show is too gory, and it's more than gory.
Sex and Nudity = 0/10
Intense Scenes = 8/10 = This goes along with the violence and gore.
Profanity = 0/10.