The movie is carried by the junior actors cast. Gippy's Performance was weak and his sons was really hard to watch. It feels gippy is trying shove shinda in random big movies by him hiding the fact that his acting rangenot good enough for now (The kid that played the role of "Jelly" did way better than shinda). The movie feels SOOOOO stretched for no reason and makes it EXTREMELY BORING to watch and go through. The movie gets terribly boring after the first 40 - 50 minutes, Gets extremely SLOW the movie should have ended at about 1h 40 or 50 but got stretched to a UNNECESSARILY LENGTHY run time of 2h 15m. As a Gippy fan I loved his movies and songs and even his style, but these couple of years Gippy has made terrible films under the name of comedy (Which somewhat aren't) for bussiness and for profit it feels like all of his movies are only done to make money and to profit himself. Only reason this movies gets a 6/10 from me is because of the other starcast which comes in almost every comedic punjabi movie which truly carries the movie.