First off,
I respect various organizations who legitimately assist with youth programs for "troubled" kids, I think we all do. At the same time, the finger can be pointed at the parents who don't fully understand where and what they are sending their child to because they haven't done their due diligence. Sounds like they are failing on both fronts, failing their kids and failing themselves.
The absolute most satisfying part of this, and I don't mean this harshly, is the kids this man was trying to "save" were the exact same as his own kids who he did basically nothing for. So, you have this man taking thousands of dollars from other parents to "save" their children, and this person is also a parent who is actually failing his own! It's funny how that works out isn't it? The timeless classic of people not practicing what they preach, like this child abuser did. Publicly announcing himself as a saint, but just another wolf in sheep's absolute Hypocrite!!
Nevertheless, if you want to watch some unfortunate children being pushed to near death experiences to "make them a better person" then this is for you.
If you like seeing hypocrisy exposed, then this is for you as well.
Camp Hell it's called, well there's a special spot for this man in the afterlife version.