I usually don't like indie movies, their cheap aspect turns me down. I watched According To Her at Brooklyn Film Festival mostly because I had two hours to kill before the film of a friend that was screening next. I thought I would stay 15 min, I watched till the very end and was near to cry twice. Maybe because my expectations were low, I was struck by the quality of this film. It does not look like most indies. It has its own quality in terms of colors and light and it's more the images than the narration that quietly but very powerfully brings you in. The views of New York are outstanding and unique. They made me re-think my city and I am a born New Yorker. In this age when every movie is all about the narrative and filmmakers call themselves 'story tellers', I found that According To Her is mastered at a much higher level. It's not about the story, and not about the acting (not always great even from the lead), it's about the film itself as a whole. The feel it leaves in you is strong and you keep feeling it (which is different than thinking about it) a long time after you watched it. This is when I decided to encourage the director (hence the review) because as a film-buff I know that such thing is rare enough.