This show... I just don't know how it can even exist.
It is so strange. So bizarre. We've got Derek and his compatriot both (apparently) drunk as skunks, talking history while famous actors like Jason Mamoa act out the scenes in a sort of pantomime.
Sometimes Derek and his pal get into trouble and you see snippets of the production crew who have to intervene before things really go off the rails.
It is way funny. And apparently totally for realz.
I think as I write this in early 2020 I've seen most of the episodes available (6 seasons). I have favorites, of course. Probably my absolutely favorite is the one where this crazy dude named Larry Walters uses weather balloons to go up IN A FREAKING LAWN CHAIR to... God knows how high into the atmosphere.
But really, I have many favorite episodes -- too many to list. They are brilliant and a wonderful diversion to reality (which is really sucky here in 2020).
I'm glad this show exists. I hope Derek continues to make them for a long time to come.