This Movie Short - DeadYard (2010) was started in and finished in (2010) - But Movie projects are never really finished they are just abandoned and now - DeadYard (2010) - has been tweaked and slightly lengthened with additional footage, better sound, better sound affects, and special effects, and is - DeadYard - Director's Cut - (2017) - It was written and directed by me - Will Collazo - edited by - Sam Girgis. The (2017) version of the film was additionally edited by me, Will Collazo. It stars - Sam Girgis - the home owner - Joe Lewis - the fast zombie - and - Cayrem Landt - the slow zombie. Also I would have to give thanks to - - and - - for the great music. DeadYard Director's Cut (2017) can be seen on You Tube. - In conclusion - DeadYard (2010) - was my second short film. We had no budget and very little time but wanted to make something fun. It was great to revisit this Movie Short Project and Tweak it. Hope you enjoy.