There's an infinitesimally small measure of cleverness on hand in the form of a couple lines regarding an apple. The few "behind the scenes" clips interlaced with the end credits suggest that everyone involved had a good time. It's just too bad that this sentiment isn't shared by the viewer.
Puerile scatological humor, juvenile jokes and dialogue about sex, and gratuitous animal cruelty mostly define this short. These are supplemented with a childish, boorish performance by writer-director Franco Castan in the lead role, conveying an exaggerated energy that is supposed to be funny in and of itself - but it's pointedly not. It's just annoying. If his male co-stars are any better, it's only because their roles are marginally less blustery.
I feel bad for the actresses who were somehow roped into this - and for anyone who has stumbled across it and clicked "play."
Immature garbage.