There have been some excellent canadian films recently about this country's contribution to various wars. Assault on Juno (2010) is something not to be missed. A great documentary drama depicting the events of the d-day invasion when our troops landed on Juneau beach. Surviving veterans - now octogenarians are interviewed after staging. Their emotions encompass pride, shame, sadness, nostalgia, and a kind of bewilderment. The assault on Juno plays out the specific events of people who have served in various divisions: the amphibious tank team, the amphibious assault team, the amphibious assault team, all set to achieve their goals in a gripping minute-by-minute story.Finally, Canada has been wonderfully presented, and the film sounds so true that all the parts that have been dramatized merge completely with the news reels. It's terribly moving, and if you don't have a stone instead of a heart, you just can't help crying at different times.