This is an reenactment of observations which was observed beside a bank in Sweden, in 2006, a true story, made by Swedish film maker Robert Østlund. It's an observation of a bank robbery which looks like a joke with a lot of spectators . Some are interfering, some are not, and some are even filming the incident, so the film gets some kind if meta theme as well.
For those who have seen Play by the same director, the style is recognizable. Observations seen from a distance, and you are observing.
It's quite dramatic, still it's also a bit funny, due to the perpetrators. Not an everyday event, but told the way it is, and almost making it an every day event.
The reenactment is quite impressively made. It looks like it's completely real. It's only done in a minutes with choreography, and shot in one long one take, with impressive 96 actors, both professional and non-professionals.