First off, I'm extremely embarrassed to say I actually took the time to watch this movie. That being said, I'm still sad that this hour and a half of my life was toilet bowled, but I did get to laugh out loud quite a few times. Unfortunately those were supposed to be very serious moments.
Where to begin with this debacle I do not know. As I was watching this absolutely ridiculous and cliché drenched mess I kept saying to myself "surely a teenager made this movie!" There's no other possible answer for this horrific story, acting, everything, you name it!
If I am able to save at least one poor soul out there the agony I've endured then I feel I've done my job here trying to help out mankind at least a bit. So please, please for the love of God stay as far as humanly possible away from not only this wrong side of town, but the same city, state and continent if at all possible. It doesn't matter if it's free on cable, pirated, you're drunk, stoned, or all of the above, it's not worth it!!!
If you absolutely must, then make sure someone pays you handsomely first.
Bottom line, if you're in the mood for a decent action flick, see anything else, even if you've already seen it 100 times!