The first season of De Luizenmoeder was an unexpected hit in The Netherlands. It was funny and pointed out all the good and bad of the parents and children, the showing off of parents on the schoolyard, being tricked into a playdate etc. The second season, in my opinion, was rushed, the subjects were good but the execution led a lot to be desired, bit of a letdown.
And then this movie comes out, has no connection to the series, 1/3 of the cast is not present anymore and the movie is not only a comedy, it had turned into an 1/3 comedy, 1/3 drama and 1/3 warning for the electronic future.
The scenery is very realistic, a new manager that says "we do it together" but that is, also in real life, almost never true. The new manager does not even listen to his subordinates, but finds them a burden. Electronics are forced for the sole reason that others also do it and you cannot stay behind or you will look foolish, no discussion is possible if it's helpful of devastating.