This was a cute little movie, and should have been more enjoyable. But the fact that the main actress was giving "super disaffected millennial who dgaf what anyone else thinks or does" ruined it. (And I'm a female Millennial who's been known to give that myself...)
I get that she's kind of supposed to be tough, has been through hell in academia, and is from the East Coast - I have actually been all of those things so I know - but I'm pretty sure it was her green acting and lack of ability to go deeper emotionally into her character that made her eminently unlikable. Not any of the other context.
Either way, it was frustrating because all of the other actors were doing a great job, and the story itself was really engaging. I was glad to see geology getting a highlight! I'm not a scientist, but I'm an avid rock climber, and was really happy to see that also featured in the film.
The actress unfortunately frowned, skulked unnecessarily, and displayed no emotional range - anger and eternal aloofness aside. And you needed that range exactly because the character's emotional journey was supposed to be subtle; it was the focal piece of an otherwise very quiet film. In short? She needed more *heart*.
Stuck it out because I actually cared about what happened to her friend. Worth it if you like indie films with good stories in spite of stiff acting you can't connect to emotionally.