Melvin, Jenkins and Bara don't REALLY think it's impossible to get through the Van Allen radiation belts. They don't REALLY think NASA had to stage the Moon landing because they couldn't re-engineer the Command Module after the fire. They don't REALLY think the Lunar Module was impossible to control. They just pretend to think these things hoping to make a TV show interesting. Actually, it's not interesting at all, it's painful. In Episode 3 Bara says "I'm calling B.S. on the lunar landing based on Armstrong's inability to control the LLTV." Oh what balderdash. Armstrong's daring bail-out was from the LLRV, not the LLTV. It was caused by a technical fault. Armstrong and all the other Apollo commanders completed many training flights in the LLTV with very significant success. Bara himself, in an essay called "Who Mourns For Apollo?" sang the praises of the LM's inertial navigation and control. He called a conspiracy theorist who questioned the LM's stability "a complete idiot." What does that make him now??