Well, I will say that the 2021 movie "Ditched" definitely started out quite alright and proved entertaining. But then when you get to the point where it is revealed what is actually going on, then the movie just lost all momentum for me and it become a pointless and laughable ordeal to sit through.
When I sat down in 2022 to watch this 2021 movie from writer and director Christopher Donaldson, then I didn't know what I was in for, aside from it being a horror movie. And that was essentially all that was needed to make me watch it.
But "Ditched" was a swing and a miss of a movie. What started out quite interesting quickly deflated and became a boring ordeal. But hey, I am sure that there is an audience out there somewhere for a movie such as this. I just, obviously, wasn't a part of the target audience. I am sure that the script was great on paper, but the transition to the screen just wasn't all that grand of an experience.
I will say that the acting performances in "Ditched" were adequate. Especially when taking into consideration that the movie had a small cast ensemble, took place in a very small and limited location, and the fact that the script went from being good to rubbish in a split second.
If you enjoy horror movies then "Ditched" is not one I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on.
My rating of "Ditched" lands on a generous three out of ten stars, and that is mostly because of the production value that was put into the making of the movie.