This flick is not only bad, it is actually sad and full of horrible mistakes.
The best thing in this movie is not Stephen Dorff, it is the setting. Morocco is a beautiful country and when you got no idea about how the story turns, it's like an entertaining love story that is the foundation for depicting this beauty and it's people --with all their existing resentments and also the nice sides. That's okay with me. I would have also accepted the B-movie style, because of it's authenticity. But when you start not liking what you have to endure, you realize about the silly sound, the boring lightning, the crappy cut, the poor characters, the lack of creativity in every aspect of the production.
The turn in the narration tears down everything that has been build up before, how cheap it ever was. Artificialy creates -- no, conjures up -- a thriller-like plot, that is not only badly written, terribly composed, but also embarrassing in it's stereotypes. If that is not enough, it explains us, in the very end, how those little pieces shall belong together -- that's the moment when you pull your blanket over your head and whisper: »No. No. No. No. Please. No.« I wished I would have turned this off before the writer totally f/ this up.