This is a making of featurette on Adam Bertocci's experimental short, Love: The Movie. It's done by Kent Sanderson, the other founder of Guy in his Basement Productions. It's pretty good, it comes off very professional, and this could get some to think that the production it's about was at least moderately budgeted fare(although I guess the gnarly technical gear shown does help). It's well-paced, it never really moves neither too fast nor too slow. It's just over nine minutes, in total, including credits. It features interview bits, behind-the-scenes footage, a test and a clip or two from another production of Adam's(Run Leia Run). You get some insight into Bertocci as a person and a film-maker, and it's all interesting. The editing is nice and tight. The camera-work is mostly magnificent. The best part of this is perhaps Adam's own words about both the work in question, and Run Leia Run, what his ideas were and what he's trying to do with them. Apart from the one who played The Filmmaker, the actors aren't interviewed(unless you count... that one thing, which you'll know if you've watched Love: The Movie, and shouldn't, if you haven't). I recommend this to any fan of Adam's, the indie film scene and/or that which this is a making of, of. Uh... yeah. 7/10