As a history & nautical buff, I love this show! I agree there is a bit of rehashing, but that's typical of almost any show of this nature today...people either have very short memories, or they duck out for a snack & miss something, so producers tend to make certain points many times. The show's hosts, John Chatterton & Richie Kohler, are excellent...these guys are the real deal. They aren't armchair experts, they ARE the experts! John Chatterton has found & documented more lost ships than anyone to date, as far as I know. Richie Kohler is a serious historian who is fortunate enough to have "been there" on his own & along with John for some very important discoveries.
I don't think there's any arrogance about either of these guys...they know what they're talking about. Solving the riddle of the U-869 is just one of many major, important discoveries these guys have accomplished (read "Shadow Divers"!). With a love & respect for history, a no-nonsense approach to problems & more knowledge than any written or personal source on their topic than anyone else I've read or spoken to, no better hosts could be found. People often mistake pride as arrogance. These men are more entitled to being proud of their work than anyone else I know of. They've both sacrificed a lot to get where they are.
I highly recommend this show. It's important for people to remember & respect history. It may all be in the past, but it shapes us now & it will in the future. John & Richie...thank you!