Amit Kumar: [after bringing Mohan Joshi for questioning] Where is Sundar ?
[In an angrier tone]
Amit Kumar: Where's Sundar ?
[Throwing pics of Yashpal Sharma's associates on the table]
Amit Kumar: And where have you hidden these 4 ?
Sadhu Yadav: This game of hide and seek is played by people like you S.P.. I do everything in open daylight. If you have the authority, go ahead arrest me. Sadhu isn't afraid.
Amit Kumar: Till now you're oblivious to what fear actually is Sadhu. If Sundar doesn't unearth himself within 24 hours, you'll dread looking at your own face in the mirror.
Sadhu Yadav: What would you do, blast my eyes out, mutilate me, kill me ?
Amit Kumar: Liberation isn't coming THIS easy to you Sadhu. Remember, 24 hours.