Pankaj Kapur and Aamir Khan Both of them have their own fan base and why should not they as they are amongst the more versatile actors we have today in the Bollywood. But if any of their fan says that they have not seen Raakh , then sorry that person is just claiming to be their fan and not true one. Both of them won National Award for their performances in this movie.
As i was watching Raakh and as it proceeded i was just a bit taken a back , the fact that it was never been a talk the way it deserved. Nevertheless the reason for it is because in 1989 a movie like Raakh was well ahead of its time.
The movie is a revenge drama shown in a unique style directed by Aditya Bhatacharya(wonder why this guy never came up with another movie). Story telling is quick and crisp.Truly a deserving different watch.All the Actors are just flawless.
Raakh has no songs but wait a minute folks, the background is riveting and you just feel as if you are a part of it every time the track is played.
If you cant withstand revenge and violence and you have mostly stayed away from parallel cinema then this is surely not your cup of tea.
People wanting to see something different do yourself a favor ,Watch Raakh.
Rating: 10/10