This film is a kind of "making of" about three Jörg Buttgereit's great movies: both parts of "NEKRomantik" and "Todesking". We can see how effects in those were made. If you're a fan of controversial German filmmaker, then this documentary will give you many pleasure. For example we can see how was made the infamous final decapitation scene from "Return of the loving dead". There are many pictures shot during the work of the crew: actors, director, people specialized in make-up and all this gory stuff. I loved "NEKRomantik 1&2" and this film made me realize how difficult was it to complete those masterpieces of underground cinema. This "behind the scenes" flick is quite hard to find, so if you think that Buttgereit is a sick man with a depraved imagination, then you can automatically abandon your irresponsible thoughts about "Corpse F**king Art". But for everyone else it's worth looking for.