I've been reading the past comments from people who have watched Rove Live, and many of that compare Rove with the American talk show hosts - Conan, Letterman and Leno. And the thing is, they're American. Rove is great for what he is because he knows what the Australian public likes in a variety show. Sure, his segments may be stolen from his American friends, but it doesn't make them less funnier. Rove has star quality. He might not be the best comedian nor the best talk show host, but the fact that he is such a favourite of the Australians has to mean something. I think it has to do with the fact that he's young, he's immature, and he's OK about it. Not only that, so much of his personality shines through in the show. He makes all his guests comfortable, and when the interview is boring you to tears, it's NEVER because of Rove - trust me, I've seen too many episodes - it's because of the interviewee. What makes Rove Live such a great show is that it's so spontaneous. You never know what Rove, Pete or Corinne might ad lib, or what will come out of a celebrity's mouth after a bit of chit chat on the couch. ...Just watch it.