Junko Aoki (Akiko Yada), is an average adopted shy young women, with one minor quirk: she can incinerate anyone in a ball of flame with but a thought. You see good old Junko was born with a certain brand of ESP called pyrokinesis. She falls for her co-worker Tada Kuzuki and feels a strong need to avenge the senseless death of Tada's younger sister when she's murdered by young street thugs. A chance encounter with a fellow ESPer, this one has telekinetic powers, an and offer to join a group of others called "The Guardians" starts a chain of events that will find poor Junko a target of the police. This film was like a Japanese version of "Firestarter", but a better and more mature take on the theme. VERY competently directed by Shusuke Kaneko and nicely acted, this rises above the source material to be an extremely enjoyable experience.
My Grade: B+
DVD Extras: Intro & Subtitled Commentary with Director Shusuke Kaneko; 19 and a half minute Interview with Shusuke; a 17 minute Making of; 8 Theatrical Trailers; and Trailers for "Kunoichi: Lady Ninja", "Versus", "Pistol Opera", & "Samuri Fiction"