Alan Thicke hosts this Game Show Network game based on a classic game show of the same name. Three people are picked to appear and bring along with them "the two people who know them best." This involves, but is not limited to boyfriend/ex-boyfriend, girlfriend/ex-girlfriend, significant other/mother, significant other/best friend, etc. The two people compete agains the each other and the other groups to find one winner.
The game resembles the Newlywed Game as at first the main contestant leaves and their two friends/sig-others/whatever have to answer what they think the main contestant will answer. Its reveresed for the second round. The final round is where the show differs from Newlywed as they are given three responses and must instantly match the main contestant. Usually this round involves things they either have or will do (done it, doing it tomorrow, no way).
The show's strong point is Thicke who makes hilarious quips and puts down the contestants every chance he gets. When asking a reluctant guest their age, Thick remarks "it's funny, ask someone on this show their age and they'll be shy, but then they'll turn around and tell you about the time they took off their underwear on a bus."
All in all its a great way to pass a half-hour, especially in the midst of network re-runs. If you get gameshow network, check it out at 9:30 (east coast) p.m. and prepare to laugh!