I do like anime a lot, and when I came across The Humanoid it did look intriguing. The film however was a big disappointment, apart from a great-looking display box, one or two cool character designs and Antoinette who is by default the film's best character, there is very little to recommend it. I was really disappointed at how a film with as much good promise as it did turned out so pointless and aimless. The animation is mostly very sloppy, with flat colours and most of the characters lack fluidity in how they move. The story lets it down hugely too, there is nothing to it, it is very thin in construction and pedestrian in pace. The only slight sparks are with Antoinette's appearance and to a lesser extent the action scenes which are disappointingly brief and rushed otherwise. The dialogue plods, the characters are indifferent and static, the music is forgettable and the voice work and lip movements are bland and poor. So overall, a disappointing film and while not the worst animated/anime film I've seen The Humanoid belongs down there with the severe letdowns. 3/10 Bethany Cox