This film made me laugh, and it made me cry. But the only reason I cried was because I cried laughing at it. There doesn't seem to be much of a story-line; the evil Amanda (or "the blonde one" as she shall from now on be referred to) decides to bump off an annoyingly perfect all-American family - and good luck to her I say!
The soundtrack looms overpoweringly over most of the film, drowning out a lot of the dialogue, which is probably a good thing. The movie adheres to all of the basic rules ie the heroine must investigate every strange noise in the house with no lights on, wearing her most revealing underwear.
As a suspense film, this sucks. As a comedy, it's actually quite good. The way the blonde one keeps popping up all over the place, creeping out of the shadows just to proffer cups of tea is nothing short of hilarious.
It's definitely one to watch. You'll have the time of your life just making fun of it!