There was the unmistakable sound of a cougar screaming at least twice after the protagonists arrived on the island but of course they had no idea what a screaming cougar sounds like so they remained in the dark, much like the rest of this unfortunately-named "sequel." I suppose the cougar was also a sci-fi aficionado and made a desperate swim for the mainland to escape this sleep-inducing bore because we never caught sight of it. We sci-fi lovers weren't so fortunate and had to endure 90+ minutes of excruciating agony, hoping beyond hope to see some redeeming quality that others might have missed. 'Twas not to be. Everything about this turkey lays an egg; from the totally implausible choosing of the group of individuals to the acting to the makeup and special effects. If Xtro 4 is ever made, they'll have to pay me to see it.