This 1995 made for TV movie brings Wolf Larson into a role that gives him plenty to do and he does it quite well. Plenty good looking, he manages to steal the film from the others. This film is twelve years old. I'm sure Larson has worked since then. It also stars James Brolin, pre-Streisand, and with dark hair and beard. Either he colors it or he got white fast. I think he looks better with how he looks today. Quite distinguished and handsome. Bravo, Barbra. However, his acting isn't to be praised. He still has a laid back style, not too much emotional force and makes you feel he's acting all the time. This was directed by Harvey Frost (any relation to Jack Frost?) and written by Michael Cooney, the son of the English comedy playwright, Ray Cooney, who knocks them out almost one a year. In fact I directed a play that was written by both the father and son called, CASH ON DELIVERY. This year I directed Ray's latest play, TOM DICK AND HARRY to hilarious results. But, I digress. I was surprised that Michael Cooney wrote this. Not his usual stuff. Both Larson and Brolin are the mates of a couple of gals, Kelly LeBrock and Courtney Taylor who go up to a desolate mountain top only to have much revealed about themselves in the midst of a snow storm. Kelly is not an actress and is mis-cast in this and Taylor isn't much better and fortunately is only in the first part of the film. This is Wolf's movie and he holds it together with his looks and acting talents.
Saw this again recently and repeat my admiration for Wolf Larson. And the others seem to be wash outs. Kelly LeBrock being the worst of the lot. This actress is not good. In fact I found myself rooting for Wolf to win the battle.