This is a movie with a stereotyped plot, yet one which began with a lot of promise that was ultimately squandered. The main character is a beautiful, bored housewife whose husband neglects her. One of her friends (another bored housewife) recommends that she gets a day job as a high-class prostitute. She tries it and likes it, but then she meets up with a "dangerman" client. The movie then turns into the typical "woman in threatened by dangerous handsome man" schlock.
The sad part is that the movie could have been a classic of the genre with a little more care. The production values were high, the actors beautiful, the acting acceptable for the most part. However, in this kind of movie, all that stuff just falls flat unless it is backed up by good sexual situations. Unfortunately, those in this movie are laughably unrealistic. They did not generate any heat at all. If you are renting, make sure to get the unrated version. The Blockbuster version is pretty pathetic.
The movie spawned 2 sequels. Number 2 was pretty bad. The third one was on par with the first.