Fans of De Funès may be disappointed,for,as it was often the case in those early years,his appearance does not exceed three minutes .
In fact ,the true hero of this short is a brat who is to drive his "racing car" in a derby;but alas he crushes a whole lot of vegetables and his father has to pay for the damage;his race seems very doubtful now.
His only hope is his godfather who works in a factory;he looks for him and the movie becomes an interesting documentary about the automobile manufacturers of the fifties .Night comes in and the boy is still among the machines which are still working.There a dream sequence which might have inspired Georges Franju for his own " La Première Nuit"(1958).
The movie can also be looked upon as a tribute to the Quatre Chevaux ,the French car of the era.(400 per day ,no less)
The last sequence shows that,even back in 1951,boys knew more about cars than their dads .
A pleasant short.