This is a biopic about Admiral John Hoskins. The movie looks more like a war (or navy recruitment) propaganda than a drama. It's amazing Sterling Hayden can go through 1h 43 min with the same facial expression and wooden acting style. He portrayed the guy as a total jerk (maybe it was true...) I agreed more with his critics in the movie than himself. Especially his antics during the construction of new Princeton were terrible. If I were one of the engineers working on the dockyard I'd kill him. As for the directing, the narrative is pretty flat and devoid of tension. The war scenes are unimpressive and cursory. The only quasi-drama happens when he fights against those who want his retirement and is short-lived. The rest is a documentary style slow-paced storytelling. Perhaps, the only redeeming quality of the movie is its sporadic attempts for making a statement for the disabled.