The second of the "Bowery Boys" series of films is somewhat interesting due to its semi-serious tone, something which would occur infrequently during this comedy series. Here, a shrewd tycoon who owns a major taxi cab company is trying to coerce smaller rival cab businesses to sell out and join his firm, or else suffer the unpleasant consequences. When one of these competing drivers is run off the road and badly injured, it's Slip Mahoney (Leo Gorcey) to the rescue to take over his cab and collect his fares for him. There are still some laughs to be had in between the drama as Slip requires the aid of his pals, including Sach (Huntz Hall). This entry is noteworthy in that it's the first to introduce Louie (played by Leo's dad Bernard Gorcey), the tiny and frazzled owner of Louie's Sweet Shop where the boys hang out. **1/2 out of ****