Leon Hirszman's short documentary about ecology is a fine didatic project about ecosystems, nature and the ecological disasters mankind is doing to it, a few
decades before the issue of global warming becomes an important and much debated topic in the news and in our lives. It's the first of its kind made in Brazil
and a very informative and relevant piece even for today's standards. It loses just a little of its purpose because the world and nature has drastically
changed in those almost 50 years of its release.
Greatly narrated by actor Paulo Cesar Peréio, the movie presents the relation of men and society with the environment, going from the powerful
ecosystem, its accomplishments and importance in our daily lives then later evolving to harm caused by progress, industrialism and how it all affects
plants, trees, animals and the air, polluted by carbon monoxide. The film only presents the causes of tragedy but doesn't give much analysis on how we can
save Earth without wasting resources. The lessons for our generation persists now that we know the true enemies of nature, the global warming and the ways
nations can make deals and treaties on reducing pollution.
The natural disasters or as the film says the way nature has of taking back what we take it for
granted are all there with the advances of progress. We haven't changed but now we can say that we dare try to save the planet with recycling, less gases
emission and all. The fight continues. 10/10.