This is a very very special movie. I am a fan of bad movies. Like most fans of bad movies I know that there is a scale of quality, it starts at genuinely good, then just bad, and then finally so bad that it is good. This movie never even flirted with being good, it skipped past being just bad, and somehow attained a whole new level that I was unaware of until now. So bad that it causes an existential crises.
I watched this with my GF, who is also a fan of bad movies, and all that she could say afterward was "That movie really challenged my psyche."
I would have to agree.
About halfway through watching the movie I found myself floating a few feet above my body, watching myself watch Charlotte. I then had an out of body experience, out of that out of body experience, where I watched myself, watching myself watch Charlotte. This cycle continued until my mind completely shattered. I do believe that my mental state is irreparably damaged by this movie, the bright side being that I believe I can now qualify for disability, although I worry that having seen Charlotte may count as a pre-existing condition.
The one brightside to this movie is that it did restore my faith in God, because this can only be the result of divine retribution for our sins.