Sometimes the reasons why I've chosen this and that movie to watch surprise even myself. When I saw the word "Perth" I immediately got a call back from a long time ago, when I was about 15 and learned this Australia's city. So I clicked on the link, read the premise of the movie and the rest is history. A guy being rejected his marriage proposal is a guy walking in my shoes and I thought this could be a great opportunity to find out how he handled this unpleasant situation.
Turned out the movie is more about traveling than healing, recovering from a traumatizing experience. It wastes too much time on sunsets, roads, sitting there in silence and doing nothing, and has only a few dialogues that really say something. Overall I feel like most of the movie was improvized on the spot rather than having a script and, having seen the same names repeating in the credits I can understand why. This was a personal, dream project of those involved and they had done a fine job in delivering the message of hope for all those who have lost it.
Unfortunately it didn't quite strike me in that way. I was delighted to see some of the man's actions intertwining with my own personal past but in general those were very superficial. His whole trip felt a little off and I couldn't really feel his pain, anger or any other emotions for that matter. So, as a road movie it is a good, solid piece of art, with great scenery, colors and beautiful locations but as a drama of human emotions it is a total miss and a failure.