The movie is about a women who has a mental illness discovered late. Her husband blames her for a mistake she made leaving their girls alone.. Like so often happens the husband abandons his wife and takes the girls. He gets help to take care of them at his home but couldn't get his wife, the girls mother help while he was gone for months, working?
This is an insight into how women with mental illness are disguarded. It's their fault because they don't take their medication. I see that is a problem, but when she says ''you left me too long'', he turns and leaves her. This is about a selfish partner that turns away, not helping.
Her parents are a great help but not they are older. A story about a women pushed to her edge by an partner and when she snaps, "oh well she should have known, its all her fault."
Great insights into how some family run, how others help, how strangers help. The challenges with mental illness. While we see a unsympathetic husband, this character can be almost anyone who turns away, instead of offering compassion.