I think people coming to Jericho for historical accuracy, smut and grime filled realism will be sadly disappointed with this show.
Those of us with a bit more open mind will accept that not all shows need to be so closely attached to realism to be a good tale. Jericho provides some elements of harsh realities but not to the point of compromising the integrity of what I believe the show is trying to achieve. Which is a moral line drawn in the sand and a way to spin a tale but also show us that people can eventually make the right choices, they can change. The show has clearly set boundaries for a reason and this is what makes it so hard for people to accept now with other shows related to the same era baring all for maximum profit and delights. If you compare it to those shows then of course it will fall short for your needs.
Perhaps (most likely) it is a marketing failure on the networks part, but the show has seemed to draw in people that just want to see more smut, realism, and close attention to facts only.
In short, if you want harsh realities with no sense of purpose but to reflect what we already know to be true on human nature there are plenty of other shows to watch--Jericho is NOT one of them.( I am not saying there is no value in realism, I am saying Jericho is not to be compared, because it's simply not the same style)
If you want an interesting tale set in this time with more emphasis on integrity of actions Jericho is the show to watch.
Re-market this show correctly so people do not get confused about what to expect and some fair reviews can start to come in.