It is interesting that every army looks alike. When I served in the Yugoslav Army back in 1987/88 I felt exactly the same as some of these girls. Stupidity of the Army is dumbfounding. This film portrays that well. I guess armies have to exist to protect the societies from the various enemies, and with Ukraine-Russia conflict it is obvious that well organized armies are good deterrent from the attack by the foreign enemy.
Females can be good soldiers even better then males sometimes. This film portrays this well. It also shows us insides of the Israeli Defense Force. Interesting creation is that Israel. A state to protect Jews from the outside enemies. I hate to admit it but there is a reason for Israel to exist, because so many crazies want to hurt Jews. Crazy!!! All the Jews I know are good people. They could be more open to the outside friendlies of other religions, but since what happened to them during WWII it is understandable why they are that way. Once bitten by a snake you are afraid of a snail! Plus they are surrounded by the Arabs. What a dumber!
I recommend that you watch this sweet film.