It took me a long time to start watching Bloodline. I felt I should, because it got such solid reviews, but the description - black sheep brother returns home, did nothing for me.
When I finally started watching it, though, I realized the description didn't in any way convey the intensity of the series.
This is a show about a brother whose homecoming raises old conflicts and causes new ones. The characters are all distinct and real, beautifully written and acted. Ben Mendelsohn is particularly memorable as Danny.
The story is punctuated by flash forwards that are brilliantly put together in the season finale.
Bloodline was designed like a great mini-series. This made the season ending satisfying, but it also meant that things happened that made it harder to make a good season 2. The best character goes and the writers decide to do the worst thing they can do; create a new character that is very similar but inferior. After a couple of episodes I gave up on it.
My recommendation: watch the first season as a mini-series, then stop.