A thrilling 'documentary-drama' hybrid production of the challenges, achievements and tragedy that is the life of Amen Pipes.
I'll tell you now; this guy is gonna make it big. It was truly enthralling and captivating, from start to finish. The production was sensational, and acting was top-tier - I argue that the actors in this production could be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Leonardo Di-Caprio, Robert De Niro, Christian Bale, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman, to name a few that immediately come into mind.
The direction was 'Tarantino-esque' and the cinematography was reminiscent of The Office. It is truly a highly recommended short film/documentary that I recommend to everyone. Of course this is just my opinion, but I urge everyone to at least watch the first few minutes to be hooked onto the masterpiece that is, Capsizing.