The story of the movie Golam might feel familiar to people who watch or listen to movies frequently. Especially for viewers of detective films. There is a link between this movie's concept and the story of a significant book written by renowned author Agatha Christie. Perhaps accidental. Nevertheless, this film may have been a solid investigative thriller if it had a new storyline and had a few more talented performers. The movie frequently shifts in tempo and veers away from the intended message. The main character, who pointlessly snaps and then examines a photo on his phone, is the best illustration of this. Both the screenplay and the story are old. This one has every element common to all other investigative thrillers. Just one viewing of the film is sufficient. In any case, the writer deserves a hearty round of applause. Because it's difficult to manage so many different characters at once and come up with a confusing murdering method that nobody recognizes.