I picked it up for only one reason, the main lead Nick Principe. I met the guy at a convention were he was to promote Laid To Rest (2009). Being a very nice guy who signed my stuff and made it possible to take a picture with him it's weird to see him here as a really tough guy going out for revenge. And that's exactly what it is all about.
I noticed that some reviewers were very negative about this flick which is made as an old grindhouse flick. Well, to be honest it isn't really grindhouse, maybe the opening looks like it, you know, the yellow main titles but that's as far as it goes. From then on this story, written in two sentences, guy get free after 10 years jail and is out to kill everybody who tricked him in the passed, moves on as a brutal flick. The brutality lays in the fact that the revenge is out for everyone, girl or man. But most of it is done off-screen but they tricked us by letting the blood drop on the lens of the camera. Simple but it works. The acting is mediocre but still it isn't going to be for everybody because it has a lot of nudity in it. And some girls are really full of tattoos.
If you just want to see a no-brainer with tits all the way and blood then this is a must see, but I admit, there's no suspense, you know what will happen, okay, the ending do has a plot that you just didn't expect. Also nice to see was the yellow Plymouth Duster muscle car, very nice and that sound, I love it.
Not that bad at all, a simple low budget flick that delivers what you want from such kind of flicks.
Gore 1/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5