This Swedish film is set in the city of Gothenburg and opens with the discovery of a woman's body. She is found lying face-down with a symbol carved in her back; hers isn't the first body to be found in such a way. The police, led by Göran Lidman, have no real leads to go on. Former pastor Gabriella offers to help... she tells them the killings are the work of a cult called 'The Sons of God'. There are more deaths and Göran, Gabriella and those around them will face severe dangers before the cult attempts to carry out its awaited ritual on the day of a solar eclipse.
For the most part I rather enjoyed this film. It started off as a normal, if somewhat gory, murder mystery. For most of the film it was unclear whether the cult was a group of religiously deluded individuals or whether their evil, supernatural activities could ultimately succeed. This meant that until the denouement we have the usual sight of investigators following clues, meeting potential witnesses and comparing the events to a possibly linked crime spree in Finland. The ending is fairly shocking but ultimately a little disappointing. The acting is pretty solid and the effects are decent enough. Overall a decent enough mystery/horror; not really a must see but neither is it something to be avoided.
These comments are based on watching the film in Swedish with English subtitles.