I noticed that there have been two somewhat positive reviews of this movie and both of them have received heavy marks for not being helpful to readers. It makes me wonder if there is an anti-Asylum contingent (or individual) with an axe to grind.
Having played golf for years I am used to driver knockoffs that don't measure up to the real thing but that typically are far more worthy than most movie knockoffs created by Asylum. So it is surprising to me that I didn't feel that way at the conclusion of American Warships.
Sure there is a certain amount of bad acting and scripted clichés that might make you wince but it is not to the level expected of Asylum.
Most end of the world, mega disaster movies seem to eventually leave me thinking that they were fun but I've seen it before. In AW, there is an appearance of creativity that manages to present something that I didn't feel as though I've seen it dozens of times.
For free television and original programming, AW manages to at least put forth a plot that might have been really interesting with a big budget. Don't enter this expecting a "Transformers" meets "Pearl Harbor" and accept it for what it is and I believe you'll be entertained.
That's a giant leap forward for Asylum on SyFy.