This ultra-low budget film takes place in Ireland with two low-level hoods named "Mickey" (Jack Lowe) and "Charlie" (Robert D. Donohoe) being told by their drug-lord boss that a man named "Charles" (Francis Usanga) has stolen a great deal of money from him and as a result he wants the two of them to forcibly bring him back. Fearful of what might happen should they refuse, the two young men do as they are told. However, once they do they become horrified when their boss orders two other men to torture Charles even though all of his money has been returned. Not able to take it anymore, Mickey decides to put a stop to it but, upon doing so, accidentally kills his boss and Charles in the process. Terrified by what he has just done, Mickey then decides to pick up the bag containing the money and heads to his girlfriend's house to convince her to come with him on a desperate attempt to leave the country. To his relief, "Juliet" (Louise Cargin) agrees and together they drive as far as they can until they finally stop at a farmhouse for the night. Once there, they meet a kind young man named "John" (Cathal Reilly) who allows them to stay in his house until the next day. What neither of them realize, however, is that John isn't nearly as nice as he pretends to be and that he has plans which neither of them could ever perceive in their worst nightmare. Now, as I mentioned earlier, this was an ultra-low budget film and it clearly suffered as a result. I say this because perhaps more funding and better equipment could have prevented some of the shaky camera action or the uneven audio controls found in a great number of scenes. Likewise, except for possibly Louise Cargin, the acting was poor as well. In any case, there were a number of faults which were much too obvious to be ignored and as a result I have rated this movie accordingly.