OK how does this episode work? I understand what the episode actually is that's not what I'm talking about, but how in the crap does Roy Scheider do voice work for this episode since he's been dead now for oh I don't know over a year. Almost 16 months this man is dead and they list him as playing himself. I'm just wondering how this thing works. That's all, usually things don't get to me but this one did. OK that's my two-cents and that's all. Other than this stuff above it was a cool episode. Keep'em coming Seth. This is by far the best spoof that they's done yet and oh man, making Peter fart like that was great. And I have to say that I love the way they have Joe get his legs broken in each story. I have to say the Misery story alone, they tossed Joe in that segment just to paralyze him and kill him of course. It was still a great episode, I can't wait to see the next thing they do when it comes to spoofing outside Family Guy ideas. I enjoyed it when it's all said and done.