First Day is groundbreaking in that it's a show aimed at a younger audience that has a transgender lead character, played by a transgender actress.
I, as a trans person who came out in secondary school, was able to directly relate to the experiences shown on screen and feel that this show has brilliantly emotional and touching writing and acting. I found myself tearing up because this how affected me on such a personal level, and I can't express enough how important it is to have a show like this.
I especially want to praise the acting, as the child actors, especially the main protagonist, did a brilliant job of successfully and compassionately portraying their characters and the emotions they're feeling.
The show tactfully handles trans issues, and may help to show cisgender individuals a taste of what trans people go through, while presenting a great character-centred story.
Although, as a trigger warning for trans viewers, the main protagonist faces transphobic bullying, and is misgendered and deadnamed throughout the show by the bullies and ignorant peers. And even though this treatment is portrayed as wrong and addressed in the show, it may still be triggering for trans people who have faced such treatment in real life.
A lot of the negative reviews and ratings of this show are simply a result of transphobic individuals who have never watched the show and just wish to harm what little good trans representation there is on TV.