I grew up watching Lilly aka Superwomen, I think I was one of her first couple thousand followers on YouTube. So when she announced she was going to have her own show, I was ecstatic for her because we all know how hard she worked to get here. She deserves it. But after watching one episode, I'm just disappointed. Truly disappointed. I got bored 2 min in, the jokes are borderline lame and cringeworthy and just sound racist at times (& I'm not one to say that lightly). I'm just sad because she has this amazing opportunity to reach out to young people on this platform but instead she choices to victimize herself half of the time. It's not even funny. I truly don't think the show will last. I live in Seattle, WA and everyone I know around me thinks the same. If her content doesn't change and FAST, she's going to be done pretty fast.